Fontbase 2.0
Fontbase 2.0

fontbase 2.0
  2. #FONTBASE 2.0 PLUS#
  3. #FONTBASE 2.0 MAC#

FontBase 2.0 Mac and Linux support and much more / project. Please let us know if the app crashes in your phone or if you have any critic/constructive feedback and we will continue to refine & add more features for Fontbase. FontBase 2.0 Mac and Linux support and much more project. It is tested to work on the following mobile devices only, it may or may not work on all devices. Please Note : This was a weekend project that guys at RDA made for the community.


You can edit the placeholder text with your own content, plus swap between colors for the canvas or the text without leaving Fontbase app :) Pick a heading font, pick a body font and check out how the font pair looks on mobile canvas. That is why, we created FontBase as a designer tool to help designers try many different fonts until they find a pair that renders beautifully in mobile screens. How many times have we designers shuffled back and forth between our large screen monitors and mobile browsers to check readability of fonts? I know we've done, atleast a couple of hundred times for every new project! General reasons to uninstall FontBase on Mac. Top 10 products: Google Fonts, Type Anything, Typewolf, UI Jar, WhatTheFont, FontBase 2. We have completely rewritten the core engine from the ground up. Find the best Typography apps on Product Hunt.


215 Replace DisplayBase with IGraphicsDisplay 218 Replace FontBase with IFont. We have just released our biggest update yet for our free font manager. The neat thing about that is you could have folders named for. By using folders, you can arrange your fonts for your application needs. The UI for this site is derived from the Antora default UI and is licensed under the MPL-2.0 license. Doesnt allow you to add a font to a collection and the library at. Drag and drop a folder or import your fonts manually. Doesnt seem to provide duplicate detection. FontBase 2.0 Mac and Linux support and much more () over 5 years ago from Dominik Levitsky, Designer & Developer. FontBase has a very simple to use user interface. Finding matching font pairs is hard, finding font pairs that look great both in large & small screens is harder. Foundation samples updated to run on the Meadow V2 boards by default. FontBase is a freeware fonts manager geared for designers or anyone with an extensive collection of fonts.

Fontbase 2.0